🙈 实现过滤敏感词汇🔞,基于确定有穷自动机(DFA)算法,支持composer安装扩展
基于 DFA 算法实现,非常轻巧完备的 JavaScript 敏感词处理库🚀🚀🚀
The sensitive tool admin.(敏感词工具对应的控台)
A high-performance matcher designed to solve LOGICAL and TEXT VARIATIONS problems in word matching, implemented in Rust.
#自然语言处理#Sensitive Words Detection 一个高性能的敏感词检测和过滤库,基于 Go 语言开发,采用整洁架构设计。专注于中文文本的敏感词检测,支持多种检测策略和灵活的扩展机制。
Sensitive-rs is a Rust library for finding, validating, filtering, and replacing sensitive words. It provides efficient algorithms to handle sensitive words, suitable for various application scenarios...
node.js 敏感词/违禁词 检测 替换 过滤 ,超高效率,极小内存(8万个违禁词仅需要30MB)
An asynchronous sensitive word converter/validator based on DFA.
Collect worldwide unerversal sensitive word. Word files are classified by languages and topics
#自然语言处理#全网最强的敏感词处理工具包, 基于DFA 算法,收录16W+词汇,数据压缩
sensitive words detection based on ac automaton