A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
翻译 - 基于C ++ 11/14/17 <chrono>标头的日期和时间库
python package for finding the timezone of any point on earth (coordinates) offline
A TimeZonePicker UIViewController similar to the iOS Settings app. Search and select from a range of cities and countries to find your most suitable time zone.
Select timezone using world map
Get timezone via longitude and latitude in Go in a fast way
Probably the fastest Python package to convert longitude/latitude to timezone name.
Get timezone via longitude&latitude in Rust in a fast way
Simple server convert longitude&latitude to timezone name
A Python wrapper for WorldtimeAPI with a searching functionality and some integration with datetime objects.
Continuous benchmark for timezone finders
Get timezone via longitude&latitude with D in a fast way
Timezone Helper is a Javascript library package designed to simplify working with dates and times across different time zones.