Cloud Exploitation Framework 云环境利用框架,方便安全人员在获得 AK 的后续工作
阿里云aliyun/腾讯云tencentcloud/华为云huaweicloud/aws等各种云厂商的accesskey运维安全工具,accesskey利用工具,包括但不限于创建ecs、ecs查询和命令执行、oss查询和批量下载等各种功能,aws accesskey rce;remote command execute
Terraform Tencent Cloud Provider
Tencent Cloud Monitor App Plugin for Grafana
TAT agent is an agent written in Rust, which run in CVM, Lighthouse or CPM 2.0 instances. Its role is to run commands remotely without ssh login, invoked from TencentCloud Console/API. Commands includ...
微信天气预报小程序实战开发 配套源码
Packer plugin for Tencent Cloud Image Builder
🐧 The intern project of Shenzhen Tencent Technology Co., Ltd.
All-in-one BYOC solution for CDN services, bring your own certificates onto cloud!
pyqcloud-sdk is a Python package that simplifies the calling of Tencent Cloud product APIs, with just a product ID, region, operation code, and request parameters, you can achieve API calls. pyqcloud-...
腾讯云 SSL 证书(SSL Certificates)提供了安全套接层(SSL)证书的一站式服务,包括证书申请、管理及部署功能。