Write beautifully typeset academic texts with distraction-free Markdown and Pandoc.
Install a Kubernetes cluster the CoreOS Tectonic Way: HA, self-hosted, RBAC, etcd Operator, and more
GPlately is a Python package to interrogate tectonic plate reconstructions.
Sets up Tectonic in your GitHub Actions workflow so you can compile your LaTeX documents.
Install a Kubernetes cluster the CoreOS Tectonic Way: HA, self-hosted, RBAC, etcd Operator, and more
A Python based project to procedurally generate tectonically based world maps
The tiny terrain generator ⛰.
TeX and epub sources for the book Antiindividualistic Individuality: Anarchism’s Legacy.
TeX and epub sources for the book Letters from Prison.
A LaTeX resume template
A program that helps you solve, play and generate Sudoku's, Tectonic's, Kakuro's and more (in the future) !
Tooling to install and run Tectonic: A modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine.
RPM source files for installing Tectonic workers on RHEL
This repository contains a collection of ready-to-use templates for LaTeX projects, specifically designed and optimized for the Tectonic compiler. Whether you're working on an academic paper, a presen...