node-ipc 是一个用于本地和远程进程间通讯的Node.js包,支持Linux、Mac和Windows
A client-server chat app in Python
Remote command shell application written in C# targeting the .NET 9.0 runtime.
x64 Rust malware for windows.
A multithreaded client-server program that uses Java Sockets to establish TCP/IP connection. The server allows multiple clients to upload, retrieve and delete files on/from the server.
Easy to use TCP Sockets for sending data
Remote Console plugin for Minecraft Spigot written in mostly Java and Rust
Hetty HTTP Utilities is a lightweight Java API primarily useful for parsing and creating raw HTTP requests and responses, along with sending and receiving them through TCP sockets.
Give us some long lived TCP stuffs, and we'll distribute it for you !
Simple TCP client and server written in C# .NET for learning purposes.
Project lập trình mạng mô phỏng hệ thống FTP
Репозиторий с материалами курса "Углубленный Python" от VK Education
Two Way Communication Protocol
A thin abstraction on top of TCP sockets.
IMPORTANT: This repository is no longer maintained, because the content was moved into
[ Distributed Systems ] 2nd practice re-uploaded. Co-Author: @molinal02
Ping-Pong on Unix and TCP sockets
Submodule for Translaite ->
Socket programming examples and experiments