Gebaar, A Super Simple WM Independent Touchpad Gesture Daemon for libinput
翻译 - Gebaar,用于libinput的超级简单WM独立触摸板手势守护程序
imaging, spike trains, information theory, neural circuitry, synaptic, channel properties
The LCN-HippoModel is a biophysically realistic model of CA1 pyramidal cells aimed to get novel insights on firing dynamics in deep and superficial populations during the theta rhythm.
Use your touchpad/touchscreen stylus to play osu! on Linux (C version)
Fork that supports touch events used by (use touchevents branch!)
#计算机科学# Simulation of Binary Classifier with Neural Networks using P5.JS and Synaptic.js
Use your touchpad to play osu! on Linux (Legacy Python version)
Enables the dedicated mouse sensitivity for touchpads.
Tiny in footprint and memory consumption, activates two-finger scrolling on a Synaptics touchpad
Touchpad Toggle for Thinkpad(T470s/T570/X1 Carbon etc.)
Python module to add virtual buttons/shortcuts to your touchpad on Linux