Dependency-light, highly-customizable, XDG desktop notification generator for 🎶🎵 MPRIS status changes 🎹
Spotifyd within a docker container for ARM (armv7/arm64) and x32/x64 architectures in configuration variants alsa/pulseaudio for audio-backend and with/without D-Bus API for controlling spotifyd throu...
Control spotifyd/spotify with dbus and web-api...
Minimalist (Spotify) music player built around open hardware design intended to enable people with cognitive or physical disabilities to enjoy music on their own.
Simple polybar module for spotifyd, showing playback state and the currently played track.
spotifyd docker image - based on Alpine Linux
For those who don't want to run spotifyd with systemd and are also using spotify-tui. There's a tiny script that starts the daemon before launching spt
Built a spotifyd daemon in docker based on alpine for multiple architectures (amd64, armv6, armv7).
Python Service sending NTag and RemoteControl information via Mqtt to Home Assistant