🎧 mpris media player command-line controller for vlc, mpv, RhythmBox, web browsers, cmus, mpd, spotify and others.
A gtk based status bar for tiling window managers such as XMonad
📺 Control Chromecasts from Linux and D-Bus
A mediaplayer indicator for GNOME Shell 3.18+.
A mpris client for the Gnome shell.
A fully ricable tui-based mpris music client.
A minimalistic user daemon to submit the songs you're playing to audioscrobbler services like listenbrainz.org, libre.fm and last.fm.
A full featured MPRIS indicator button extension for GNOME Shell 3.38+
A cross-platform library for handling OS media controls and metadata.
Discord Rich Presence through media players providing the mpris2 dbus interface
A music related GNOME extension.