A React-based library for creating sleek presentations using JSX syntax that gives you the ability to live demo your code.
翻译 - 基于ReactJS的演示库
Slideshow tool on Emacs, that build HTML presentation with Spectacle.js from Org Mode.
💁 Present Spectacle presentations synchronised on multiple devices
Spectral and radiometric calibration of consumer cameras (SPECTACLE).
💅 Nova theme for Spectacle
A Lightweight Web Application for Creating Interactive Slides with Quizzes from Markdown.
React Conf 2017: Cross-Platform Data Visualization in React & React Native
GDSC Interview PPT made using ReactJS
🤵 Spectacle.js presentation about Gatsby.js
Configure your working environment with few simple commands 🖥
Single command line interface for different screenshot tools
Slides for my talk about cross-shell prompts in JavaScript
Lightweight window mover and resizer for Windows via keyboard shortcuts (inspired by Spectacle)
Storybook talk for React Native Munich meetup
Slides for my Intro to React Native with create-react-native-app talk