Calculate cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code.
Library for calculating the complexity of PHP code units
翻译 - 用于计算PHP代码单元复杂度的库
Library for counting the lines of code in PHP source code
Calculates Abstractness and Instability Software Metrics for Spring Boot Applications
This is a tool written in python that calculates software quality metrics and then technical debt. It is specifically aimed at OOP Python softwares.
#区块链#Collect and view OSS cryptocurrency development.
Analysis of fault detection in source code using various static, dynamic, bug and test metrics
Tool to compute the complexity of specified contributions to Git repositories
repository offering a suite of software metrics tools
In this repo, we implemented some software metrics for Python
Provides the jQAssistant dashboard for analyzing and visualizing software artifacts' data.
ScaMaha is a tool designed for parsing, analyzing, and visualizing object-oriented (OO) software systems.
In this repository, you can find the dataset used in our research titled 'A First Look at the Usability of UML Complexity Metrics'.
An automated tools for generate software metrics from GitHub repository upon tags/releases
This repository contains raw data generated for the project of SOEN 6611(Software Measurement - Winter 2019). - or
LaTeX sources of the paper on the Source Code Volatility (SCV) and the analysis of its relevance to other metrics in a software repository
A program to calculate Halstead metrics for a given source code file
vscode-radon-linter is a Visual Studio Code extension for linting Python code using the Radon library. It automatically checks Python files for potential issues such as code complexity and maintainabi...