Unblocked games website --- 1v1.lol ~ slope ~ RetroBowl ~ Odd Games ~ Tetris ~ Sans ~ Pong
Made by a student, for all the students who hate being bored in class. A Star would be greatly appreciated! 🌟
Faster raster processing in R using GRASS GIS
A platformer sample written for Pico-8, includes slopes and jump buffering
Slope game designed to be run off of repl.it or github pages to bypass school blocks
Python script to transform a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) image into a map of rivers.
Tools for hydrological and hydraulics computational design, modeling and analysis.
The original slope game! Fork this and run github pages to play, or use the link below. Created by Bigfoot's Game Shack. You can see a preview at https://playslope.pages.dev
The study of skiing where we shred open data like pow. Quantifying alpine ski areas with geospatial metrics derived from OpenStreetMap.
QGIS plugin for calculating directional slope
Uses several statistical tests / algorithms on marginal / conditional distributions
Failure Surface Analysis on landslides in cross-sections. Computes SLBL surfaces and simple displacement model. Compares with external displacement data in the LOS.
This repo contain the code/data used to produce landslide susceptibility map using Slope Units and Machine Learning Methods
Free WordPress Plugin: The slope calculator finds the slope of a line using the slope formula. It can also find point coordinates, incline angle, and length if the slope and one point are known. www.c...