This repository contains code examples and documentation for learning how applications can be developed with Kubernetes
Repo for blog post - "A cleaner multi-stage continuous deployment on Kubernetes of a Create React App with kustomize, helm and skaffold"
Showcase for Skaffold with create-react-app
Skaffold Spring Boot Example
Example MonoRepo containing Tool to ease life in microservice era
A demo to show how to use https:// with developer mode to enable rapid Java application with Kubernetes.
Supercharged FastAPI template for production-ready and developer-friendly APIs. Get started now!
A best practices Go source project with unit-test and integration test, also use skaffold & helm to automate CI & CD at local to optimize development cycle
Design system base project
Skaffold with IDEA Cloud Code plugin
Using Kubebuilder, Skaffold, Kubeadm-dind-cluster to rapidly iterate when writing Kubernetes controllers.
In progress: Cloud Native Survey System
Use awesome Skaffold tool to simplify your k8s development workflow
Events Open Source CMS with Nodejs+Mongodb+Docker using JWT authentication
Demo Spring Cloud project deploying on K8s. Support building container images that doesn't depend on a Docker daemon.
Skaffold demo using petclinic
Multiproject gradle build setup for local Kubernetes deployment