Everything about testing, especially TDD, Test-Driven Development: Really, It’s a Design Technique
Example/PoC of how to extend the event-driven paradigm all the way to the end user's Web browser using WebSockets.
Example of how use Kafka in order to implement event-driven microservices.
Example of entities and Avro classes to be sent and persisted in Kafka
Example/PoC of how to use Uber Cadence in order to implement event-driven microservices, together with Apache Kafka.
Notes from every Java release
Java , Java code quality , Java Design Patterns , Java logging, Multithreading , Concurrency , Roadmap ,
Repositorio para prácticas de la cláse Modelos de Programación Orientada a Objetos 2021-I
This repository contains the workflow API of an example/PoC of how to use Uber Cadence in order to implement event-driven microservices, together with Apache Kafka.
Tic-Tac-Toe, also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os.It’s meant to be a paper game,but now in computer game in command line.