simavr is a lean, mean and hackable AVR simulator for linux & OSX
翻译 - simavr是适用于linux和OSX的精简,卑鄙且易于破解的AVR模拟器
A fully-functional open source and open hardware mechanical USB computer keyboard with only three keys!
A helper for simavr to allow several devices on the same SPI-bus.
Simulation of one or more nRF24L01+ to be used with simavr
This is example of cmake usage (in CLion) for avr programming
Select virtual components implemented for SimAVR
Hardware design, firmware, simulator and host software for my 8x8x8 LED cube.
Personal Gentoo ebuilds repository. Feel free to use.
Simulation of a 23LCV512 64kB SPI-RAM to be used with simavr