❤️ JavaScript/TypeScript linter (ESLint wrapper) with great defaults
翻译 - ❤️JavaScript Linter具有出色的默认设置
The most strict (yet practical) ESLint config. 53 plugins. 1342 rules. React, Vue, Node, and pure JS/TS.
🍦 Powerful software development experience and management. Enhancing @tc39 JS, @denoland and @nodejs, because we need a bit of magic. ✨ You can think of it as Cargo for the JavaScrip...
JavaScript, TypeScript and CSS shareable linter configurations
ESLint sharable config for strict linting
🍦 Powerful software development experience. ✨
A collection of base configs for code quality and linting tools.
Modular configuration rules for ESLint
Modular configuration rules for TSLint
JavaScript Standard Style JSDoc support - ESLint Shareable Config
Code style: Charlike. Self preferences on top of the Standard Style. They may or may not be included in next releases.
ESLint configuration files (shareable configs) to guard from problems in different areas of JavaScript development
Hardcore ESLint Shareable Config for functional programming
A shareable config (via @rolldown) for Rollup, used in @tunnckoCore org
ESLint configuration files (shareable configs) to guard from problems in different areas of JavaScript and TypeScript development
Code style: Charlike. Thin layer on top of the Standard JavaScript Style v9, for more readable code.