生成19位的Long ID、22位的短UUID、卡号、短卡号、带校验码卡号、激活码、付款码、数据加密、手机号加密、带失效时间的数字加密。生成器是分布式,支持多负载,无需数据库、redis或者zk作为ID分配的key。ID分配无需RPC调用,基于本地内存计算,结构简单,可靠性和性能比较高。
A powerful security code input supports dynamic configuration of the number of input boxes.
#IOS#📱 A customizable digit input field.
mobile phone verification code view, written in swift.
Simple helper and tutorials for more security in website
#安全#The Malicious framework is made of php and javascript. For snifffed creditcards and accounts visit https://hackerlocal.us
OTP Validate Package in Laravel