Sciter brings a stack of web technologies to desktop UI development. It allows web designers and developers to reuse their experience and expertise for creating modern-looking desktop applications with an engine only a few megabytes in size.
Golang bindings of Sciter: the Embeddable HTML/CSS/script engine for modern UI development
翻译 - Sciter的Golang绑定:用于现代UI开发的可嵌入HTML / CSS / script引擎
Sciter is an embeddable HTML/CSS/scripting engine
Do calculations, annotate like you would on a paper "qwikly".
The php extension of sciter. You can use it to build cross platform GUI app by php.
6mb clone of the original 165mb Clipper! Made with Sciter instead of Electron.
A free cross-platform desktop app for searching and using free SVG icons
Sciter declaration files for linting intellisense and Extension for VSCode
Sciter Bootstrap let's you download a pre-made IDE project to jump start writing HTML code for making desktop apps based on Sciter engine