Mordern Redis Cluster solution for easy operation.
A key value storage example powered by hashicorp raft and BadgerDB
High-performance Redis-Server multi-threaded framework, based on rawepoll model.
♠ Spade, a robust, full-featured, multi-module client for Redis.
Radio is a library for creating RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) comaptible services. 📻
[WIP] ✨ TinKV is a simple and fast key-value storage written in Rust, which provides a bultin CLI and a Redis compatible server.
Based on redis protocol, storing data in leveldb, using muduo for communication
a very simple tree based data structure based on redis and speaks redis
A NoSQL database implementation, alternative to redis.
Redis server using a protocol called RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) for golang
A simple key-value store written in Rust. It uses the Redis Serialization Protocol.
Erlang RESP library (Migrated to
Learning project, try to write a functioning redis-server for some basic commands
a utility module to load Hiredis native parser, or to fall back to Boris, a pure JS parser.
KiWi is a lightweight RESP-compliant key-value store inspired by the Bitcask paper, designed for simplicity and blazingly-fast operations 🥝