WireDB is a NoSQL database based on Log-structured file system.
CouloyDB is a storage engine that strikes a balance between performance and storage costs.
🎉A Bitcask Distributed Key/Value store using Raft for consensus with a Redis compatible API written in Go.
翻译 - 🎉使用Raft与Go编写的Redis兼容API达成共识的Bitcask分布式密钥/值存储。
CouloyDB is a storage engine that strikes a balance between performance and storage costs.
📁 Build your own fast, persistent KV store(Based on bitcask paper)
A lock-free thread-safe concurrent SkipMap implementation based on ARENA skiplist which helps develop MVCC memtable for LSM-Tree.
[WIP] ✨ TinKV is a simple and fast key-value storage written in Rust, which provides a bultin CLI and a Redis compatible server.
A tiny key-value store backed by Bitcask and Redis Serialization Protocol
📚 A log-structured hash table database. Speedy K/V store for datasets larger than memory.
Distributed, fault-tolerant, persistent, auto-increment ID generation service with Raft consensus
Bitcask Implementation in Rust. A fast key-value store.
Persistent Key-Value store based on BitCask.