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An overlay component built by leveraging React Portals.
A React library made with Portals for modals, tooltips and popovers.
In this project I want to show you how we could use the API Portals of React to create modal windows over our applications.
A repository for various react topics
I built a nice functional React application that is not overly complex. But, I used all the core features and building blocks that are important for React : Components, props, state with the useState ...
Today I Learnt - Short notes on various concepts and technologies.
In this project I want to show you how we could use the API Portals of React to handle the state of a popup window opended from a component.
An alert dialog implementation for my blog post which explains how to handle errors at the global with react portal and axios interceptor
React course by Academind (incl. React Fragments, Portals and Refs)
A Countdown Game to understand Refs and Portals features of React
In this course, I created a TODO app and learned how to build interactive web applications with React.js. I worked with components, props, CSS styles, states, and React effects, and implemented React ...
Testing React portals with enzyme
A clone of the popular streaming service Netflix
A React app that fetches random photos and quotes from an API. Click a photo to display a related random quote.
React course by Academind (incl. Working with Forms & User Input)