Application that will help you learn React fundamentals. Install this application locally - there's tutorial, code snippets and exercises. The main objective of this project is to help you get off the...
翻译 - 可以帮助您学习React基础知识的应用程序。在本地安装此应用程序-有教程,代码段和练习。这个项目的主要目标是帮助您使用React上手!
React fundamentals
🚀 Epic React by Keny C Dodds Summary Repository ⚛
Notes for React fundamentals workshop.
A simple repo showing different fundamentals and good practices in React, covering state management, passing children and functions to components via props and conditional rendering. Written in TypeSc...
Shopping cart application using React.
This project demonstrates a responsive navigation menu with submenus using React. It includes a global context for managing the sidebar state and dynamic rendering of submenus based on the data provid...
This project demonstrates a simple image slider using React. It includes two implementations: a custom carousel and a carousel using the React Slick library.
This project is a simple shopping cart application built with React, using the useReducer hook for state management and context API for global state.
Birthday Buddy is a simple React application that displays a list of people with their birthdays. Users can view the list of people and clear the list with a button click.
Application following the react tutorial by Tyler McGinnis.
This project is a React application that allows users to search for images using the Unsplash API. It includes features such as dark mode (stored in localstorage), search functionality, and image gall...
This project is a React application that fetches and displays a list of tours from an external API. Users can view tour details, remove tours from the list, and re-fetch the tours.
This project demonstrates the integration of Contentful CMS with a React application. It includes a Hero section and a Projects section that fetches and displays data from Contentful.
This project is a color generator application built with React. Users can input a color and generate a list of shades and tints for that color. The application also allows users to copy color values t...
Sample app from the React tutorial "React Fundamentals" of Edvinas Daugirdas. The app is fetching TV series info from
This project is a simple React application that displays a list of questions with toggleable answers. It uses the `useState` hook to manage the state of the questions and their visibility.
This project demonstrates how to create a responsive navigation bar using React and Vite. The navigation bar includes links and social icons, which are dynamically rendered based on the component's st...
This project is a task management application built with React and React Query. It allows users to create, edit, and delete tasks, with data fetching and state management handled by React Query.
In this course, I created a TODO app and learned how to build interactive web applications with React.js. I worked with components, props, CSS styles, states, and React effects, and implemented React ...