🚀A powerful react native starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application
翻译 - react功能强大的React Native入门模板,可引导您开发移动应用程序
#安卓#项目使用了 React Native 构建了一个 V2EX 移动客户端应用。目的是为了构建一个 React Native 快速开发脚手架。客户端数据完全基于 V2EX 开放 API。基于 RN 0.71.5。
A react-native starter kit using RN0.63, Flipper support, LogBox, AndroidX, Hooks workflow, easy-peasy, code-push, Themes support and much more
💡💡🚀Quicksi is an Open-Source command-line tool with re-useable starters in different languages, frameworks and libraries designed to make it easy for developers to start projects without having to ...
An enterprise react-native template application showcasing - Testing strategy, Global state management, middleware support, a network layer, component library integration, localization, navigation co...
Basic setup for react-native projects using react-native , redux, redux-sagas, react-navigation