🗿 Mini jQuery alternative. Dependency-free animations. Locality of Behavior. Use one element or arrays transparently. Pairs with htmx. Vanilla querySelector() but better!
A better HTML5 parser for PHP.
翻译 - 适用于PHP的更好的HTML5解析器。
querySelector that can pierce Shadow DOM roots without knowing the path through nested shadow roots. Useful for automated testing of Web Components. Production use is not advised, this is for test env...
utility to select unist nodes with CSS-like selectors
utility to add `querySelector`, `querySelectorAll`, and `matches` support for hast
Detect the appearance of an element in the browser DOM
A command-line tool that allows you to query HTML using CSS selectors or XPATH and retrieve the corresponding text content (similar to JavaScript's `document.querySelector(query).textContent`)
Lightweight JavaScript DOM manipulation, inspired by jQuery and jqlite, but runs using rollup-compiled, babel transpiled ES6 code.
#前端开发#doc.js is a small library to manipulate the DOM in any browser. We focused on the most used and common use cases to create this. This library uses amd structure.
a javascript library to reverse lookup values within a javascript object & generate the dot-notation query selectors in context to the specified object. You may also use it to "walk" through the struc...
Uber-micro library (<1kb) for selecting elements and handling custom events. No dependencies. IE9+
#网络爬虫#SocialSelectors is a dynamically updated library of css selectors for social media sites.
a simple querySelector / querySelectorAll method / shadow dom traverser.
JavaScript library for querying DOM elements with Regular Expressions.
Frontend mentor challenge for a responsive layout with mobile-hamburger menu and dropdown navigation.
A demo website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript which can be used by any organisation.