🗿 Mini jQuery alternative. Dependency-free animations. Locality of Behavior. Use one element or arrays transparently. Pairs with htmx. Vanilla querySelector() but better!
#网络爬虫#An extremely fast web scraper that parses megabytes of invalid HTML in a blink of an eye. PHP5.3+, no dependencies.
💲 Micro-library of shorthands for DOM selection, events, and attribute manipulation
#Awesome#🗿 A curated list of awesome Surreal examples, plugins, resources and other shiny things.
Lightweight DOM helpers without dependency
Very small jQuery-like library with only few functions with emphasis on total size.
[Not maintained] jQuery replica for edu. purposes.
Chainig DOM manipulation like jQuery on TypeScript
Extension for Query Result to add jQuery-type manipulation functionality
Use javascript the way you want, fast as possible.
The mQuery (or Mini-jQuery) is a most simple and clean way to query HTML elements and bind Event Handlers without jQuery.