A huge collection (80+) of plymouth themes ported from android bootanimations
翻译 - 从Android Bootanimations移植来的大量Plymouth主题(超过80种)
Provisioning tool for systemd in initramfs (systemd-tool)
Animated plymouth theme with ubuntu logo and a futuristic and elegant look
A collection of handy-dandy tips, tricks and How-to(s)
Magic Mirror for Raspbian Lite (works with Raspberry Pi Zero)
Allow a machine with an encrypted boot drive to passwordlessly boot by fetching a key over HTTPS.
A techno Plymouth theme with crazy ass animation.
A cool NSA-style plymouth bootsplash for Ubuntu.
Boot Animations (Plymouth themes) for the GNU/Linux Operating System.
A useful utility to preview your current plymouth theme
A very simple boot animation that emulates Trinity hacking Neo's computer at the beginning of The Matrix (1999).
Arch OS Bootsplash Theme for Plymouth
Command-line Plymouth Boot Splash Generator
#Awesome#List about graphical boot on Linux with Plymouth
An OS X flavored plymouth for Linux Ubuntu.