A PHP library for interfacing with MobiWeb RESTful APIs.
PHP wrapper for BSG's API. Bulk SMS, 2Way SMS, Viber and HLR services
Register at http://locasms.com.br/ to obtain login and password.
PHP STK for AdvantaSMS Bulk SMS API, which is 100% compatible with the latest Laravel version as well.
Integration example of SMS Gateway (HTTP) using PHP cURL (GET and/or POST) and/or file_get_contents(). Functions Supported: Send SMS, Retrieve Account Balance
Example for sending SMS using PHP & cURL and using SMS Gateway (BULK) Endpoint Version 3 API from SMSLink
Example for sending SMS using PHP & cURL and SMS Gateway (HTTP) [GET] API from SMSLink
Integration of SMSLink - SMS Gateway (HTTP) using PHP Composer. Functions Supported: Send SMS, Retrieve Account Balance
Example for sending SMS using PHP & HTTP v2 and SMS Gateway (HTTP) [GET] API from SMSLink
Example for sending SMS using PHP & file_get_contents and SMS Gateway (HTTP) [GET] API from SMSLink
Example for sending SMS using PHP & cURL wih JSON and SMS Gateway (JSON) API from SMSLink
Example for sending SMS using PHP & SoapClient and SMS Gateway (SOAP) API from SMSLink
Example for sending SMS using PHP & cURL and using SMS Gateway (BULK) Endpoint Version 1 API from SMSLink