📱✔️A phone number validation solution based on laravel
翻译 - :iphone :: heavy_check_mark:基于laravel的电话号码验证解决方案
Xenon\LaravelBDSms is a laravel based multi sms gateway package for sending text message to Bangladeshi mobile numbers using several gateways like sslsms, greenweb, dianahost, metronet, boomcast, bulk...
Laravel package to provide SMS API integration.
NCloud SENS notification channels for Lovely Laravel. NCP 문자 전송 모듈
Package for sending SMS from your Laravel app / Пакет для отправки смс из вашего приложения Laravel
Integrate SMS system into your project easily with bulk sms bd's API via this plugin.
This is a Laravel Package for SMS Gateway Integration.
Laravel services to send SMS. Support multiple drivers (nexmo, twilio, yunpian) and more coming in progress. Easy to use and easy to add custom driver to support others provider
Register at http://locasms.com.br/ to obtain login and password.
Add SemySMS functionality to your Laravel app with this package.
a simple laravel sms integration package
📨📱 📦 Laravel 5, 6 and 7 Package for SmsGlobal
Integration Laravel Eskiz SMS
PHP STK for AdvantaSMS Bulk SMS API, which is 100% compatible with the latest Laravel version as well.