whoops 是一个PHP的异常错误处理框架。它提供了一个漂亮的错误界面,帮助你调试你的Web项目,但核心是它是一个简单而强大的堆叠式错误处理系统。
😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it.
翻译 - racy Tracy:令人上瘾的工具,可为出色的开发人员简化调试PHP代码。友好的设计,日志记录,事件探查器以及高级功能,例如调试AJAX调用或CLI支持。你会喜欢的。
Awesome error handler. Demo: https://slashtrace.com/demo.php
📟 Implementation of PHP Console for WordPress.
JaM is a PHP monitoring system that supports storing PHP errors (events) into different storage backends
Reports raised PHP error messages (mainly warnings and notices)
Blunder is a pretty error handling framework for PHP
#前端开发#Error aggregation application written in and for Php
[ABANDONED] Simple and independent PHP debug component compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 and Composer
God-like error handling library for modern PHP programmers. A new eye on PHP exceptions and good features from other programming languages adapted.
Crappy class to manage errors and exceptions
Implementation Tracy Debugger for Opencart 2.x