A community driven project to make a game like phigros.
翻译 - 在现代网络浏览器中播放 phigros
A community driven project to make a game like phigros.
Phigros (com.PigeonGames.Phigros) 历史版本收集. Collection for old (special) version.
【旧仓库】将多人游戏与Phigros玩法结合起来!一个基于Phigros玩法的非盈利性开源社区游戏。集成PhiZone。Bringing multiplayer to Phigros gameplay! An open-source, non-commercial & community-based rhythm game with PhiZone intergrated.
A repository to storage charts of 'PhiCommunity'
Phigros模拟器使用Python和WebView / The Phigros emulator uses Python and WebView
A Typescript library for parse and modify the save file of game Phigros
A repository to storage charts of 'phigros-html5'
A client of PhiCommunity(Android).
PhiTogether · 将多人游戏与Phigros玩法结合起来!一个基于Phigros玩法的非盈利性开源社区游戏,集成PhiZone | Bringing multiplayer to Phigros gameplay! An open-source, non-commercial & community-based rhythm game with PhiZone intergrated.
A recreation of Phigros engine in Sonolus. Written in Sonolus.h https://github.com/SonolusHaniwa/sonolus.h