Service that generates a PDF report from a Grafana dashboard
翻译 - 从Grafana仪表板生成PDF报告的服务
A Portable Document Format (PDF) generation library targeting both the server- and client-side.
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf, CSV, & Excel Report Package on Laravel
PdfReport.Core is a code first reporting engine, which is built on top of the iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core and EPPlus.Core libraries
Prawn Handler for Rails. Handles and registers pdf formats.
PdfReport is a code first reporting engine, which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
This is the pdf report plugin library written for testng/selenium frameworks, this listener will generate the pdf report on testcases execution, its very simple to configure no need to write any code.
Medical-AI is a AI framework specifically for Medical Applications
create a PDF report of your team interactions. For university teams
PDF Report Android
Python script to generate a PDF report based on sentiment analysis, words usage, personality insights, tone analysis and facial expressions from an input video. A project I got to do as an Intern.
#网络爬虫#Real life example of news site scraper. Download articles matching key words, generate full content reports in PDF, Excel and SPSS. SPSS generation might only work on Mac or Windows, pushed h...
SDK for generating PDF reports from a SWIFT MT Message from
Plaguards: Open Source PowerShell Deobfuscation and IOC Detection Engine for Blue Teams.
JavaScript samples for Reports.JS reporting embedded components for HTML and native JavaScript applications
#安卓#Generate PDF Report by Android App using iText pdf library
R Markdown templates for tidy data analysis and case study analysis
Software em python para a plotagem de gráficos em tempo real e geração de relatório em PDF