#学习与技能提升#Java 8 指南
Parallel Collectors is a toolkit easing parallel collection processing in Java using Stream API.
Java 8 Guides and Tutorials - A lot of awesome examples using Java 8 features like Stream, Lambda, Functional Interface, Date and Time API and much more
A CLI tool designed to make interacting with Facebook's Open Source Library "Warp Speed Data Transfer" fast and pain-free.
Contains Java Tutorial
First year project at ITU - Parse n' read map of Denmark
Java 8 Streams, Collectors, Optionals for Data Processing
Concurrent Programming in C and Java language
Fork-join using spliterator and parallel streams.
Programación paralela en Java con el Framework Fork Join y la API Stream.
Implementation of dedicated executor for parallel processing of completable future tasks.
Paralelismo & Concurrencia en Java 8
Simple sitemap link checker. Aslo mirrored to gitlab.
parallel streams with dedicated thread pool