Official OpenMage LTS codebase | Migrate easily from Magento Community Edition in minutes! Download the source code for free or contribute to OpenMage LTS | Security vulnerability patches, bug fixes, ...
翻译 - 受到积极支持的Magento Community Edition分支-安全漏洞和错误修复,性能和其他改进(向后兼容,直接替换)
Composer installer for Magento modules
Google Tag Manager (GTM) with Data Layer for Magento 1 / OpenMage LTS
Cash on Delivery allows to book additional fee on delivery depending on inland or international delivery.
Bank prepayment module which notifies the buyer to which bank account he has to transfer the money.
Curated list of awesome OpenMage extensions, resources and other highlights
Admin Theme for Openmage (Magento LTS) -
Enable symlinks after SUPEE-9767 V2 install
Translations for OpenMage from Magento 1/2 and old languages packs.
Sophisticated Fullpagecache (FPC) for OpenMage (and Magento 1)
A module to automatize the updates using GIT for OpenMage.
Magento1. Rounding Price to Prettier Value for Multi-Currency Stores.
This Magento 1 extension improves the default session cookies by setting the SameSite attribute.