🍏 + 🎯 + 🐍 = Everything you need to query Apple's FindMy network!
Track personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's "Find My" network using OpenHaystack and Macless-Haystack with tools written in Go/TinyGo. No Apple hardware required!
Create your own AirTag with OpenHaystack, but without the need to own an Apple device
Zephyr-based OpenHaystack firmware to track your personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's Find My network
A simple script to continuously import OpenHaystack locations into Traccar
A openhaystack compatible firmware for NRF51 and NRF52 devices
Zephyr-based firmware to upload sensor data via Apple's Find My network
Compiled openhaystack firmware for esp-wroom-32.
📍 FindMy is a Pwnagotchi plugin that lets you locate your Pwnagotchi via Apple FindMy network using openhaystack
A collection of Dockerfiles and GitHub Actions workflows for building Docker images of various projects, including remote desktop environments, Tailscale VPN configurations, Apache Guacamole, Macless ...
📍OpenHaystack for Nordic Semi built on Zephyr RTOS