ONLYOFFICE Docs is a free collaborative online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations, forms and PDF, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .doc...
An office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors allowing to create, view and edit local documents
A pure PHP library for reading and writing presentations documents
翻译 - 一个用于阅读和编写演示文稿文档的纯PHP库
.NET code samples for Oracle database developers #OracleDotNet
ONLYOFFICE Document Builder is powerful text, spreadsheet, presentation and PDF generating tool
With OpenTBS you can merge OpenOffice - LibreOffice and Ms Office documents with PHP using the TinyButStrong template engine. Simple use OpenOffice - LibreOffice or Ms Office to edit your templates : ...
Portable version of ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors
A simple system for specifying OWL class design patterns for OBO-ish ontologies.
Utility for working with DOSDP design patterns and OWL ontologies
The ONLYOFFICE Document Server snap package for the snap package system
The ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors snap package for the snap package system
A node library that wraps the dll to provide bindings to oracle on windows
The ODP js library provides convenient access to Ocean Data Platform through the Cognite API from applications written in client- or server-side JavaScript.
An Ontology Design Pattern (ODP) of VDI guideline 3682 (Formalized Process Description) that can be used to model processes in a semantic way.
An Ontology Design Pattern (ODP) of VDI guideline 2860 which contains a taxonomy / model of various handling operations and their atomic actions.
Steps to set up EFK stack for system and kubernetes application log aggregation.
Omeka S module that display standard document formats (pdf and office: pdf, odt, ods, odp and many more) in a light unified player.