a virtual black hole file system that behaves like /dev/null
翻译 - 行为类似于 /dev/null 的虚拟黑洞文件系统
Simplistic user-script to remove YouTube's annoying "Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube" popup.
🔮 Unofficial API wrapper for qwant
📃 The NullDev JavaScript Styleguide
AI powered Spendenraid evaluation.
🎄 My solutions for the Advent of Code in NodeJS
😸 A LOLCODE interpreter written in JavaScript
:trollface: A Discord Self-Bot to cheat at trivia
🤖 Discord management bot with some useless features
🛰️ Telegram Bot for making posts to a static website
Template repository for DiscordJS Projects: sharding, i18n, QuickDB, PM2, Auto deploy
Discord Bot for counting. Allows arithmetic expressions.
❎ Script that will turn your website into a Matrix with custom ASCII-Art text
Discord Bot for a Roleshop with currency that can be earned by writing messages.