Real world application built with Angular 19, NgRx 19, nrwl/nx 20
A full-stack example app built with JHipster, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Angular 4, ngrx, and Webpack
翻译 - 使用JHipster,Spring Boot,Kotlin,Angular 4,ngrx和Webpack构建的全栈示例应用程序
Full Stack Angular PWA example app with NgRx & NestJS
SoundCloud API client with Angular • RxJS • ngrx/store • ngrx/effects
翻译 - 带有Angular的SoundCloud API客户端•RxJS•ngrx / store•ngrx / effects
NgRx (with NgRx Data) -The Complete Guide
🔑 A simple ecommerce site powered with Spring Boot + Angular 10 + Ngrx + OAuth2
A very flexible and simple websocket library for rxjs
Type safe utils for redux actions, epics, effects, react/preact default props, various type guards and TypeScript utils, React util components
Angular Ngrx Socket.IO Example
RPG game built with Typescript, Angular, Immutable.js, ngrx/store, and rxjs
Angular Ngrx Course - includes Store, Effects, Entity, Router Store, Schematics
ngrx templates generator
Sample projects with Angular (4.x) + Angular CLI + ngrx (Redux) + Firebase
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An opiniated Angular setup based on @angular/cli to kickstart an ngrx project
Sample Ionic 3 application using ngrx with firebase (auth, crud and camera plugin)
NGRX Router - Router Bindings and Helpers for NGRX Effects
An Angular 4 app using ngrx/store
A basic application for Ionic 3 with AngularFire2 & ngrx4 Integration with Ionic Framework
CRUD Operations in ASP.NET Core 3.0 using Angular 8 , Web API and Entity Framework core DB first approach with the help of VS 2019.