Build & Deploy a modern React / Next.js portfolio website from scratch!
First iteration of my personal website build with Next.js
Welcome to my portfolio repository! This open-source project, built with Next.js and TypeScript, creates a dynamic and responsive portfolio. Explore the code to perfect your showcase of skills!
open source portfolio, made with Nextjs and tailwindcss
Portfolio page with Jiří Hofman's hobby projects. Can be used as a template for other GitHub users. Learning Tailwind CSS along the way. Using Next.js 15 with App router.
Portfolio website made using Nextjs 13 and Tailwindcss
This repository contains the source code for a portfolio website built using Next.js, TypeScript, Sass, Tailwind, and Aceternity UI.
urFolio - Best Open Source Portfolio or Personal Website using NextJS. Feel free to check out the readme file, copy, fork, and use.
Portfolio website using NextJS and TailwindCSS. 🚀💪
My portfolio website, still in progress.
🙏 Welcome , This is Shivraj Gurjar's personal portfolio website made in Next JS . You Can Use it as a template or motivation
Stylish and concise portfolio project. Built using TypeScript, Nextjs 14, Framer Motion & other
Software Developer Portfolio Template built with NextJS and Tailwind CSS with dark and light mode that helps you showcase your work and skills as a software developer.
A modern 3D Developer Portfolio made using Three.js
Portfolio Website. Also, check out my 2nd portfolio project written using Next 13 and ChakraUI [nextjs-portfolio]
Personal Webpage built with Nextjs, TypeScript, GraphQL, Email JS & Hygraph CMS
My personal porfolio website, built with NextJs.
Personal Webpage built with Nextjs, TypeScript, GraphQL, Email JS & Hygraph CMS