Build and Deploy a Modern Next.js 13 Application | React, Next JS 13, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
A Next.js Top Loading Bar component made using nprogress, works with Next.js 14 , Next.js 13 and React.
⚡️ Web3 App Template built using Next.js, RainbowKit, SIWE, Disco, and more!
Lambda deployments for Nextjs12 & Nextjs13 (standalone). Easy CLI commands to get your standalone Next output to run in AWS Lambda (not @Edge)! Uses CDK in behind and produces code zips importable to ...
E-commerce App using NEXTJS 13 , TypeScript , SWR , Redux toolkit , Mongoose , react hook forms
An ecommerce template built with NextJS 14, TypeScript and TailwindCSS
⚡ Fullstack Next.js 15 + TypeScript + MongoDB Template (with SEO)
#大语言模型#A sample app to demonstrate Function calling using the latest format in Chat Completions API and also in Assistants API.
A sample speech transcription app implementing OpenAI Text to Speech API based on Whisper, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, built using Next 13, the React framework
Minimal and awesome discord bot website created with ❤ using NextJS
#前端开发#Modern METAVERSE Website Project Built on Latest Next 13. Using Framer-Motion for animation.
An example showing Next.js 13's Intercepting Routes feature with modals.
🧬 Simple, dependency free, error aware and powerful utility to compose chain of multiple middleware into one Next.js API Route.
A simple implementation of preview modals with next intercepting & parallel routes
LGU time table front-end app
🛠️ The intuitive cost-efficient middleware for effortless maintenance mode toggling. Supported by multiple configuration options and a straightforward API. Ready to integrate with Next.js app directo...