Asynchronous HTTP Botnet for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
A tool to capture communication between Chromium processes on Windows
.NET Core Inter-process communication framework
Choose the browser on the click of a link
A modern header-only C++ library that provides platform-independent utilities.
Intercept Windows Named Pipes communication using Burp or similar HTTP proxy tools
Interactive Shell and Command Execution over Named-Pipes (SMB) for Fileless lateral movement
A .NET utility library to spawn, supervise and (optionally) cleanly shut down child processes.
Embedded web browser for Unity games, based on Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
Roblox Exploit Source Code Called IceMeme with some cmds, lua c and limited lua execution with simple ui in c#
High Performance Real-Time C# Communication Library.
.NET library for using HTTP 1.1 over streams, especially Windows Named Pipes
Windows上高性能异步IPC实现(基于命名管道)。A high-performance asynchronous IPC implementation on Windows (based on named pipes).
Proof of concept SMB C2 using named pipes in Golang