Personal portfolio website for my career as a software developer. Designed with JavaScript / ReactJS / Redux / React Three Fiber / Material-UI and utilized the GitHub API for back-end
Better way to be productive
[forked continuation link in readme] 🚀 A customizable URL shortener
I built a stunning portfolio website using NodeJS and ExpressJS as the backend framework, along with MongoDB and Mongoose for data storage and management. It showcases my work and skills in a sleek a...
#编辑器#Web Editor A web-based editor for writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Features Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Code completion for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Unofficial API V4 Support Java 11 and above
This is my final mini project . I have made a foodblog website from where people can learn new recipes and also can share their recipes .
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Groups your followers / following contacts from GitHub ™️
Personal Website built with NextJS and React Bootstrap
QouteWishy is a random quote generator
AI product building with SJ Innovation. 🚀🚀
A cert-manager ACME DNS01 solver webhook for the API
Aiconverter Web App Using Nextjs , TailwindCSS, Python(Some Libraries)
parralax. html-canvas
This project still in testing and not tested in production either, feel free to test my project and judge my code as well. i tend to improve my code
A blog site build using simple html,css,js and some fun of bootstrap making it fully responsive