A demake of Portal for the Nintendo 64
A repository of unofficial ROMs for the Nintendo 64
Gameboy Emulator for N64 using Transfer Pak. Actual emulator logic largely written by https://github.com/koenk/gbc. Runs on https://github.com/DragonMinded/libdragon
printf() and error stacktraces for n64 sdk-based homebrew games running on everdrive64 flashcarts
Documenting and preserving the Nintendo 64
tools for compiling sound and music data for n64 sdk homebrew games
N64 HOMEBREW DEVELOPMENT presented at PGRE2019 - https://vrgl117.games/PGRE2019
A database of Nintendo 64 software information
Attempting to reverse Jabo's plugins
N64 game made for the N64brew jam #1, theme is SIZE.
A utility for code fragments in the Pokemon Stadium games.
Nintendo64 emulator for the web using EmulatorJS.
A Nim wrapper around raylib4Nintendo64, formerly based on naylib.
N64 game made for the N64brew jam #2, theme is CONTROL.
based on https://github.com/jsdf/goose64. Aims to realize a more general n64 engine for 3d homebrew development