- Official Website For ContriHUB 2k22, for fetching marks on each pr visit
List of methods of applying proxy settings for MNNIT internet
Setup Proxy for terminals and more difficult places! (which are not directly accessible!)
#安卓#This android application is developed for the welfare of MNNIT Allahabad students. - 🌇 🏯 🏤 prayag heritage portal
ContriHub is an event under Avishkar-24 where we are expecting to get more and more people involved in Open Source activities.
#安卓#Official Droidrush repository of NPDevs team (Avishkar-2019--Annual Techfest of MNNIT Allahabad)
Class wise question and Given problems taught by MNNIT Computer Club
Github Repository for Webster event under Cyberquest of Avishkar 2020 @ MNNIT
WEEKEND OF CODE is a joint initiative of B.Tech final and pre-final year students to provide the freshers an exposure to the world of competitive programming alongwith a glimpse of software developmen... - 🎇 SAC MNNIT is responsible for organising various cultural and technical events in MNNIT.
Unofficial Website for Culrav 2k18 , MNNIT Allahabad