Open source ARM Cortex-M microcontroller library
翻译 - 开源ARM Cortex-M微控制器库
CMake FetchContent module for (Atmel) Microchip SAM D5x Family Chip Support Package (Samd51)
AVR & SAM Adapter for Pickit4/SNAP
SAME70Q21 BSP, BSP is configured and generated from, all Afan SAME70 RTOS repositories share the same BSP.
B-SABR - Blocking SAM & AVR Build Runner
Microchip SAMC21N serial USART Bootloader
MicroPython V1.12 on Microchip SAME70Q21/SAMV71Q21 MCU.
FreeRTOS V10.0x RTOS on Microchip SAME70Q21 Cortex-M7 MCU.
ThreadX V6.16 RTOS on Microchip SAME70Q21 Cortex-M7 MCU.
RT-Thread V4.03 RTOS on Microchip SAME70Q21 MCU. SAME70Q21 is a ARM Cortex-M7 Core MCU with up to 300MHz CPU frequency.
uC/OS-II V3.0x RTOS on Microchip SAME70Q21 Cortex-M7 MCU.
uC/OS-III V3.x RTOS on Microchip SAME70Q21 Cortex-M7 MCU.
CMSIS device headers for all Microchip SAM devices