Open Source Java e-Invoicing library, validator and tool (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD, UNCEFACT/CII XRechnung)
A high performance bibliographic information service:
Create Redux-Forms dynamically out of metadata
Tools for deploying/retrieving package files using Metadata API via JSforce
Auto generate Package.xml file using ANT Script. Get All Folder and file names in Package.xml
🌎 Portfolio app built with Next.js 13 & MDX, Contentlayer
Documentation repository for the Egeria project.
🐍Python 3 Examples for Salesforce Oauth2 Flows, REST and Metadata API
A Salesforce CLI plugin that converts CSV to Custom Metadata records
MetadataExchange Community Edition
영상의 메타데이터를 자동으로 구축 및 재생하는 웹 기반 시스템
Open Standard for Metadata. A Single place to Discover, Collaborate and Get your data right.
Rich Context API integrations for federating metadata discovery and exchange across multiple scholarly infrastructure providers
CopJS is a feature-rich and flexible web application boilerplate built on Next.js 13.3, designed to streamline your development process. With a modern app directory structure and Metadata API, CopJS e...
Pilot DPLA Service Hub for Colorado and Wyoming
OpenGameMeta is an Open Web3 Gaming Metadata Protocol
Public server to proxy and cache IGDB queries and provide hash matching and lookups for the Gaseous server and other projects.
Metadata Application Profile for the Bayou City DAMS