A modern Docker LAMP stack and MEAN stack for local development
翻译 - 用于本地开发的现代Docker LAMP堆栈和MEAN堆栈
✏️ Free Opensource Alternative to TypeForm or Google Forms ⛺
A social networking platform made using Node.js and MongoDB
翻译 - 使用Node.js和MongoDB构建的社交网络平台
MCW Cloud-native applications
翻译 - MCW Cloud原生应用程序
Angular 11.0 Firebase App - Online School , Student Management App
I will add some professional notes and reference tutorials which will be very much useful for freshers and beginners who are very passionate to become a web developer ❤️
Repositório responsável pela realização do workshop de MEAN & Serverless
🛒 Ecommerce MEAN Stack ( MongoDB, Express and Node in Nest.js, Angular 19 SSR zoneless ) - render.com : https://eshop-mean.onrender.com/
Sensor for Home Assistant that gets reset at midnight
A powerful online JSON formatting and editing tools. 一个强大的JSON格式化和编辑工具,支持非正常JSON格式化和错误提示。
🎓 Official Placement Portal : MNIT Jaipur
The goal of this tutorial is to guide you through the coding of a full-stack JavaScript example application project and connecting a backend API to an Angular 5 front-end application employing the MEA...
#自然语言处理#A social media platform with a friend recommendation engine based on personality trait extraction
freeCodeCamp voting app built in the MERN stack
A social media platform built with MEAN stack