#区块链#Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
Simulate a transaction on the current state of the mainnet and view its outcomes (compatible with MetaMask)
🚀 Keeps mainnet fork state updated by replaying relevant live txs
#区块链#Multichain Testnet which has a weak correlation with the mainnet
I created flash loans by forking the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet Network and integrating the Uniswap protocol. This implementation allows seamless borrowing and arbitrage opportunities using Uniswap's...
Testing the smartcontracts of aave in mainnet.
Idle Finance & Cream Finance DAI Strategy. Check Readme.
Ethereum mainnet fork to test the real contracts deployed in mainnet - Mostly focused on DeFi Products
Hardhat template for forking a live network and testing against it.
Smart Contract Application for eth Fund
Idle Finance & BarnBridge Tranche Strategy. Check Readme.
This project includes contract which allow users to lend, borrow tokens and earn interest, by using compound 3 underneath
Idle Finance & Curve.fi: DAI/USDC/USDT Pool DAI Strategy. Check Readme.
Deploying Fund Me project to rinkeby, ganache-cli, ganache gui and mainnet-fork
Project for interacting programmatically with Aave (deposit collateral, borrow assets, repay borrowed assets) from Patrick Alpha's ffc.
a borrownig and lending decentralized program with aave V2 protocol