An all-purpose window upscaler for Windows 10/11.
Zoom Prodct Image, useful for e-shop website
🔍 React image zoom component
Windows 10 Privilege Escalation (magnifier.exe) via Dll Search Order Hijacking
Zoomist is a library built with TypeScript that allows you to create zoom elements on website quickly and easily.
A simple VueJS component for image magnifying / product zooming
RedZoom is a modern very easy-to-use image zoom library which made as Angular directive and fully stylable via CSS/SCSS.
Simplify screen magnifying on Windows for Mac-like zoom experience with this keyboard-free presentation/HTPC tool
Do everything you ever dreamed of with a joystick, gamepad or two at once. DualShock™ and DualSense™, DirectInput, XInput, keyboard and mouse, to DirectOutput(vJoy), XOutput(ViGEm), keyboard and mouse...
Minimal X11 Color Picker and Magnifier. [MIRROR OF]
The ultimate zoomable image component
Angular image magnifier (based on HTML canvas)
A simple text magnification app