Do-It-All Mechanical Macropad
The magnetic, modular, 20-key macropad that can join together to form an ortholinear board
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome applications, macros, 3D printed cases, guides, and more for the Adafruit CircuitPython rp2040 MacroPad.
Some ultra low cost, unique layouts mechanical macropad using CH552G
A Mechanical Macro Keyboard with Disp, based on ESP32-S3 Ver2.x
Open-source 4x4 mechanical macropad based on ESP32
Build guide and additional hardware for the Plaid-Pad mechanical macro pad.
Simple DIY macropad with OLED 😎
A family of macropads featuring a large Encoder wheel and (1?)/4 or 6 keys.
A take on the 4chord MIDI project with the Adafruit Macropad
A derivative of the Macropad Hotkeys example from the Adafruit Learning System Guide
ESP32 Keypad for use with ESPHome and Home Assistant
The "Micro Cl1ck" project is a custom, programmable macro-pad, designed to enhance productivity through customizable shortcuts and controls.
2021-2024: RPi Pico 2040 and ST7789, ILI9486, ILI9488 LCD Touch Macro keypad, VS1053 music player, PCM5101 USB-Audio-DAC, and OLED SSD1306, with RPi-cmake-SDK, Arduino IDE (both mbed and C++ SDK-based...
Programmable macro keypad and rotary input, with GPIO breakouts. Uses an ATmega32u4 Pro Micro for HID functionality.
This is an Adafruit MacroPad script that allows you to manage your macros via a WebUI
cheap macro pad with rot encoders and joystick support
Yet another MacroPad but remotely configurable/scriptable/executable over Wi-Fi