Learning Shell,Python,Golang,System,Network
Einsteigsseite - Hier finden sich Heft-DVD als Download
Central Processing Unit Information Gathering Tool
pranaOS moved to: https://github.com/pranaOS/pranaOS
Criando um script de inicialização em linux usando systemctl
A slightly modified version of System76's PopOS with Gnome Software as its package manager frontend, Linux-XanMod kernel for better performance and up-to-date features and some other tweaks.
Exercises and assignments on Advanced C, Linux & project on Advanced C- Image Steganography
This is a simple, lightweight GUI-based Linux distribution designed to run on QEMU. It combines the Linux Kernel 6.9.4, BusyBox 1.36.1 for essential Unix utilities, and Nano-X (MicroWindows) for graph...
Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting - IBM Course from Coursera.
build either Blackarch, Kali linux or ParrotOS Docker container which has the ability to provide desktop environment access either via X2Go or VNC