📓 eLabFTW is the most popular open source electronic lab notebook for research labs.
This is an Open Source Java EE based Hospital Information Management System
NEMO is a laboratory logistics web application. Use it to schedule reservations, control tool access, track maintenance issues, and more.
Baobab LIMS is an open-source laboratory information management system (LIMS)
is an open-source LIMS (laboratory Information Management System) for Next Generation Sequencing sample management, statistics and reports, and bioinformatics analysis service management.
🧬 Source-available fair-code licensed LIMS. The laboratory software you'll enjoy using.
MetaLIMS, A Simple Open-Source Laboratory Information Management System for Small Metagenomic Labs
UniversaLIS is a laboratory information system (LIS) for ASTM/CLSI-compliant clinical laboratory analyzers using serial and TCP connections.
LImBuS is an open source, standards compliant Biobank Information Management System developed by researchers from Aberystwyth University.
Parkour2: Laboratory Information Management System 👩🏻🔬 🧬 👨🏽💻
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